One of the ways that you can "Become" is by stepping out of your comfort zone and volunteering in one of our church's many ministries. We couldn't do what we do without our amazing volunteers. Check out some of our exciting opportunities to serve below. If you are interested in serving, fill out the form below and the background check form and we will contact you soon.
The First Impression Team is a group of volunteers who help create a welcoming, friendly, high-energy, and safe environment to prepare members and guests for our weekly worship services. We want everyone who enters our building to feel welcome and have a desire to return to hear the life-changing message of Jesus Christ each and every week. South Haven needs you to join the Team! First time guests need you!
The Worship/Production Team is a group of volunteers who help create a worshipful experience every Sunday morning. This includes musicians and vocalist for the worship team and the production team which includes, sound, lighting, livestream, and running the lyric screens. No experience necessary to join the team. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in serving.
SH Kids is the children's ministry at South Haven. We are always needing volunteers to help with teaching a Sunday School, helping with Kids Church at 11:10am every Sunday and Awana on Wednesday night from 6-730p. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in serving.
Our Student Ministry Team is always looking for volunteers to help with leading a small group, helping with worship, teaching Sunday School, and helping with special events. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in serving.
The Community Team at South Haven is all about loving on our community. We do this through different events and activities on and off campus such as block parties, trunk or treat, back to school supply drives, etc... Please fill out the form below if interested in serving.
The Safety+ Team at South Haven is in place to make sure families are safe while attending services and events at South Haven. This would include watching the parking lot, monitoring entry doors, and maintaining safety at all times. Please fill out form below if interested in serving.